Mr. George J. Patsalos


Mr. George Patsalos is an entrepreneur with over 4 decades of experience within the Tourism Industry. Currently, he is the President of Aegina Travel Group. He was appointed to the Victoria Mutual Building Society Money Transfer Services Limited in 2005.

Based overseas, Mr. Patsalos is devoted to Jamaica and is committed to contributing to the growth and development of the nation through his affiliation with various Jamaican entities. At present, he serves as President of the Jamaican- American Chamber of Commerce and the Jamaica Children’s Project. Previously, he served on the Prime Minister’s Tourism Council, Kingston, Jamaica and the Jamaica Hotel and Tourist Association.

Mr. Patsalos has a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from New York University and is also a graduate of the School of Graduate Science. He is a Private Pilot and was awarded Charter Airline operator of the year to Jamaica in 1994.

He is married to Judy and they have three adult sons.

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